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Take back your peace!

“If the house is worthy, give it your blessing of peace. But if it is not worthy, take back your blessing of peace. - Matthew 10:13

When Jesus sent the disciples out in to the world He gave them very specific instructions. They are the same for us as He sends us out to accomplish His great commission.

“And whatever city or village you enter, inquire who is worthy in it, and stay at his house until you leave that city. As you enter the house, give it your greeting. If the house is worthy, give it your blessing of peace. But if it is not worthy, take back your blessing of peace. - Matthew 10:11-13

  1. ENTER. Note that the Scripture does not say, IF you enter a city or village. Instead, God assumes we will be proactively out on His mission, entering large and small (in size and influence) places and spaces - cities, villages, homes, stores, marketplaces, schools, hospitals, restaurants - literally and/or virtually.

  2. INQUIRE. We are commanded to be inquisitive about the nature of the homes, spaces, businesses, and people in the places, web sites, and tv channels we visit. We are commanded to be alert, wise, and intentional in our choices of the cultures we are exposed to and participate in and with.

  3. WORTHY. The Greek word for worthy is "axios", meaning weighty in value, befitting, deserving, drawing praise. The Word exhorts us to seek out those individuals who are worthy, and who have created a worthy culture in their home and establishments. As shocking, and un-churchlike as it may sound, The Lord calls us to judge what is worthy and what is not. We have accountability for the people we hang out with, the places we hang out in, and the web sites we hang out on.

  4. GREETING. The Greek word for greeting is "aspazomai", meaning to draw to one's self, to salute one, greet, bid welcome, and wish well to. As we enter the vetted homes and establishments of the vetted people, we are to wish the very best to those people and places.

  5. BLESSING OF PEACE. The Greek word for blessing of peace is "eirene". The word means a state of tranquility, exemption from rage and havoc, peace between individuals, security, safety, prosperity, felicity, the tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and content with its earthly lot. The word felicity was new to me. It means, "intense happiness, joy, bliss, delight, and THE ABILITY TO FIND THE APPROPRIATE EXPRESSION FOR ONE's THOUGHTS." Putting all that together, if the home and its people are worthy, we are commanded in the authority of Christ, to bestow an annointed blessing of tranquility, exemption and immunity from rage and havoc, harmony, security, safety, prosperity, assurance in salvation in Christ, contentedness, joy, and emotional well being. That is some kind of blessing.

  6. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. As we spend time in a house and with its people, we get to know them and their culture well. We are to commanded to continually evaluate the worthiness of both for the blessing of peace we released. IF the establishment and its people are worthy, we are to perpetuate our blessing of peace. If not, we are to TAKE IT BACK.

Last week one of my friends was emotionally down. I asked him what was troubling him. He shared that he had not been sleeping well. I asked what was keeping him up at night. He shared that he had caught one of his business partners embezzling from him. The partner was someone who my friend had invested a great deal in personally and professionally.

I had just finished meditating on this passage, and it dawned on me that my friend had not taken his peace back. I shared with my friend what I am sharing with you, and it struck a cord. My friend asked me how to get his peace back. I have asked the same thing.

I have been horribly abused and betrayed by family members, friends, and co-workers. Though I vetted all the people and their places, over time they proved themselves unworthy. I shared with a counselor how I was tormented by the traumas they had inflicted upon me. Compassionately, my counselor explained that I had lost my peace. I asked them how to get it back. They recommended a book titled, "Total Forgiveness", by R.T. Kindall.

The book teaches a radical, Biblical forgiveness that includes forsaking the right to harm the individual(s) or the place(s), releasing the individual(s) and place(s) to God's Wisdom for any retribution, and asking God to forgive and bless the individual(s). It is a very conscious choice consistent with Jesus' manner in dealing with His betrayals and abuses. Coming in line with The Heart of Jesus sets us up for a Heavenly release of felicity into our lives!

I have not found any other way to get my peace back, and I have not found any situation in which I was not flooded with my own peace returning when I set my heart to TOTAL FORGIVENESS. TAKE BACK YOUR PEACE!


Abba Father. Please forgive me if and when I have not been obedient in Your Great Commission. Set my heart and feet to proactively enter the situations You have called me to for Your Name's sake. Connect me Lord with Your people who can advise me on the worthiness of people and places; and can steer me on where to go and not go. Please Lord give me discernment as I enter places and connect with people in regards to their worthiness. If they are worthy, lead me to release my blessing of peace. If not, help me avoid releasing it and to take it back if I release it in error, sin, or after a time in which the people and place show themselves unworthy. Let it be in The Name of Jesus.


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