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Pain Glass Windows

For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known. - 1 Corinthians 13:12

In overcoming my own PTSD, I still experience intense emotional and mental anguish; pain that distorts my vision; literally and figuratively. I go through seasons of flashbacks during which I am incapacitated. Some days I cannot see my wife for the beautiful woman, wife, and mother she is. Some days I cannot see my children for who they are. Some days I cannot see my life for what God has made it to be. That pain and its distortion of my emotions, thoughts, and perspective gave birth to the title, Pain Glass Windows.

The Word explains it this way. “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” Pain darkens the glass that we see life through. Pain keeps us from knowing ourselves and God fully; from having accurate perspective for ourselves, our loved ones, and God Himself. But (I love that word), there is a day coming on a white horse when we will see with unclouded and happy vision. That Day is Christ!

The fog of pain is real, and inescapable. As odd as this may sound, the fog and pain may act as a helpful lens and anesthetic to cover our seeing and experiencing something worse; the raw reality of what was inflicted upon us and by whom.

At some God ordained point in time, perhaps gradually and perhaps suddenly, the fog will lift and the pain will dissipate. In my case, I experienced liberating revelations over a period of time, and then all at once. It was as if a heavy fog lifted, and I could see.

God is a God of order, light, and vision. He only allows the fog as long as it is helpful. Sometimes we are not ready to see what is covered up in the fog of our own memories and experiences. He will lift the fog in His perfect timing.


Abba Father. My view of many people, situations, myself, and You are distorted by pain. Please Father, in Your perfect timing, heal the pain, and align my perspectives with Yours. Amen in The Name of Jesus.


In The Name of Jesus, my perspectives of people, situations, relationships, world affairs, myself, and God The Father align more and more with The Word of God.



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