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Clean House

Do not bring any detestable objects into your home, for then you will be destroyed, just like them. You must utterly detest such things, for they are set apart for destruction. - Deuteronomy 7:26

Several years ago, a friend of mine received an urgent phone call in the middle of our conversation. At the end of the call my friend was distraught. I asked what the trouble was. It turned out that the adoption he and his wife were on the verge of had fallen through. I asked my friend if and how I could pray for them.

My friend asked me to pray that they could have a child. When I began to pray, The Lord brought to my mind an African tribal mask they had placed over their fireplace. I told my friend that I thought the mask was attracting the spirit of infertility and unfruitfulness into their home and marriage. They removed the mask, and six months later they were pregnant with their first child. Glory to God!

I don't believe they worshipped the mask, or purchased it with any harmful intent. It was an interesting object with colors that matched their décor. However, as The Scripture says in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Since you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the Law of your God, I also will forget your children."

God's people are destroyed and defeated for lack of knowing Him and His Word. Specifically, God's people suffer His loss of favor in leadership, promotion, and child rearing as a result of their complacency in pursuing Him and His Word.

Another friend of mine was raised in one of the most cursed homes I have ever heard of. There were death threats against the members of the family. My friend's father tried to strangle his daughter to death. His sister ran away from the home at the age of 15 to live with her best friend's father. Calamity upon calamity reigned upon that home. Trauma, and mental illness were the dark hallmarks of that place.

As I was reflecting upon that home I remembered that my friend's mother collected and conspicuously displayed all kinds of demonic objects she bought or stole during her travels. When I was in that house she would proudly point out statues of Bhuda, African tribal artifacts, Asian idols, etc. As I have understood Deuteronomy 7:26, the destruction appointed for those objects, the unclean spirits affiliated with them, and the dark kingdoms they represent is unleashed by God upon them, and the houses accommodating them. It was certainly the case in my friend's house.

As I learned this principle, I began to ask The Lord to reveal things in my own home that were an affront to Him. Soon after, God reminded me of a small sword my father had given me. My father had taken the sword from a dead Nazi soldier in WWII. I retrieved the sword from our basement, and offered it to a local museum. The museum refused to receive it, and in fact refused any relics of war. At that point, I put the sword in a trash can, and discarded it. The main thing I can say is that there was a much greater atmosphere of peace in our home after the accursed object was removed.

Deuteronomy 7:26 is a spiritual principle. Spiritual principles are a bit like thermodynamic laws of action and reaction. The thermodynamic laws have identifiers, actions, and consequences. Deuteronomy 7:26 says, "Do not bring any detestable objects into your home, for then you will be destroyed, just like them." The identifier = Deuteronomy 7:26. The action = bringing detestable objects into my home. The consequence = destruction.

The word translated "detestable" is from the Hebrew word "toeba" meaning, "abomination, abominable". The word is applied to objects or idols. I wish there was a list somewhere of all the specific objects or artifacts that The Word is referring to. In lieu of that, based on my experience and research, the list of objects would include relics of war and bloodshed, objects affiliated with the occult and/or false religions, objects affiliated with trauma and abuse, objects affiliated with sexual perversion, objects affiliated with drug abuse, and objects affiliated with magic and the dark arts. That is not an exhaustive list, but covers many of the accursed objects The Lord commands us to remove from our houses.

In addition to removing those objects, The Lord commands us to detest them. The word "detest" comes from the Hebrew word "saqas", meaning to loathe, abhor, and count filthy. By detesting and abhorring those objects, and what they stand for and are affiliated with, we bring our heart attitude and thoughts in line with His. When we do so, His favor and blessing pour out into our lives and homes.


Abba Father. Please forgive me if I have harbored or housed what you call abominable in attitude or object. I renounce my behavior and action in that regard, and I repent. Please lead me to any accursed objects in my house, and stir me to destroy them. Please stir in my heart and mind the same hatred you have toward them, and what they represent, and what they are affiliated with. Amen in The Name of Jesus.



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